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**New and Dangerous Computer Virus** (fwd)

I don't know if this is a load of crap or not so feel free to believe as 
much of it as you want.

>***Do not download any file named PKZIP300.ZIP regardless of the extension.***
>WARNING!!!!! Read the following and take note for those of you whohave
>access to the web and FTP sites ... BE WARE!!! Notify your friends and
>family and total strangers too!!!  No one wants to deal with this
>A NEW Trojan Horse Virus has emerged on the internet with the name
>PKZIP300.ZIP, so named as to give the impression that this file is a new
>version of the PKZIP software used to "ZIP" (compress) files.
>DO NOT download this file under any circumstances!!!  If you install or
>expand this file, this virus will wipe your hard drive clean and effect
>modems 14.4 or higher.  This is an extremely destructive virus and as of yet
>there is no way of cleaning this one up.
>EXTENSION!!!! ***
>This message came in to Newfoundland Light and Power on March the 29th at
>1:18 pm NST.  Please.  This is not a joke.  This is serious.  If you have
>already heard about it, this is a reminder.  If you haven't, take heed.
>Andrew Laffin
>* Andrew Laffin/Ray Banfield
>* * c/o Ray Banfield
>* * rbanfiel@terra.nlnet.nf.ca
>* * CSHL: Marystown Bootleggars
>* * STRPG: Lt Andrew Myst
>* * XFRPG: SA-1 Andrew Faust, Sa-9 Paul O'Niell
>* * EHL: Marystown Monsters
>* You know your starship captain is a redneck when he has flames and a NRA
>sticker * * painted on his warp nacells
>Trivia Question- What does a bartender from Cheers and a Captain of the
>Starship                  Enterprise Have in common.  All answers should be
>sent to Andrew                    Laffin at rbanfiel@terra.nlnet.nf.ca.
>Watch this space for the                  answer and a new question shortly
>after Easter.  Unless someones                  knows the answer......! 